Welcome, I’m Wen-Wei

My decades of research and growth in the metaphysical, self-help, and spiritual fields have led to a multi-modality fusion of healing techniques and approaches, ranging from systemic and somatic work to psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy and shamanic practices.

The concepts and themes, known as 'elements,' are the guiding principles of my rest2flow medicine wheel and form the core of my work.  

5 Elements


Woman’s Soul

You will see me use this term often. It means not only a woman's inner psychic landscape but also her mystical essence, which is more often than not covered by heavy piles of dull, monotone clothing that society deems acceptable. Our woman’s soul and creative self have been clipped to a ‘one-size-fits-all,’ which we need to release ourselves from.

I needed to undo my conditioning to find who I truly am. My creative heart and the power to live my life as the woman I wish to experience are at the centre.

Women have given me feedback on how healing they find working with me or attending my group events, and that is due to the experiential wisdom I gained from doing my inner work of healing and growing.

A great byproduct of becoming wise and doing the inner work is a great sense of humour, care, compassion, and light-heartedness, which makes my work so grounded and founded. This is what women feel from my work, and it cannot be taught, only gained in no other way.


Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart, which I also term ‘(wild) mother-energy,’ represents the creative, nurturing power of Spirit.
This feminine energy symbolises the ability to nurture, create, be present, and connect with others and our inner spiritual landscape, sensitivities, imagination, knowing, and instinctual nature. This energy is used to take care of life create and sustain anything you build in life, projects, businesses, family, etc.

My activism: Every day, I intentionally practice being present, patient, and compassionate, and I strive to embody these qualities in all my relationships and services.

The power of this archetype and energy is a profound tool and wisdom I share as part of an intrinsic feminine wisdom essential to recovering and expressing our soul and creative self.


Wounds into Wisdom Water

The wounds and trauma are where I’ve concluded the major inner work needs to happen, not just collectively but also individually, for our children and to live in the right relationship with ourselves and each other.
If we want a different world, the invitation is to become aware and expand our 'heart consciousness’. Grounded and embodied awareness is key. The idea is simple, but the path towards it is challenging. The outcome is more compassion, presence, life energy, health, and connected relationships with each other, our earth, and all creature beings.

My parents had experienced war; there was not only intergenerational trauma growing up, but my childhood was filled with abuse, poverty and unsafety.
It took a lot of continual inner work to understand the myriad of effects that trauma has held in my life; I began my healing journey seriously in my late teens, where my interests met with science, metaphysics, energy healing, self-development, as well as the traditions from my root-cultures: animism, Celtic and shamanic practices.
Moreover, Motherhood was a much deeper spiral of inner healing work as my daughter mirrored where I needed to heal. It was here that I acutely became conscious that I was re-traumatising her, and I needed help stopping. I could not have stopped fast enough, and yet it took me the best part of 16 years to understand the complications of trauma and how to bring the healing spiritually, psychically, emotionally and bodily.
By bringing safety, we can embrace our vulnerability. Wholeness and healing may then take place, and we may reconnect to our true selves. Many, if not all, of us avoid our pain, and yet when we move towards it, possibilities of freedom are present.


Wise & Wild Woman archetypes

There are four sacred archetypes of women’s wisdom that are teachers, the last being what I have called the ‘wise and wild woman’ archetype.
The archetypal wheel of maiden/warrior, mother/queen, medicine woman, and crone/wise &wild woman is a powerful tool for embodying. When we live with this knowledge and cycles, we come into balance in and with our sacred womanhood.
As I move towards embodying this phase nearing my 50s, I begin to feel its deep power and beauty.

As women, we move through this wheel monthly, seasonally, and in our life growth. When I share this with women, their lives become more harmonious, and a deep inner shift to wholeness occurs.

Like astrology, every phase has a higher archetypal expression and a lower one, and each cycle asks for transformation as we grow.



My father’s Asian roots introduced me early on to the idea of Spirit and the invisible world of energy. 

In 2017, I discovered my Indonesian roots, which confirmed why I was so connected to animism (their ‘shamanism’, the idea that all animate and inanimate objects hold spirit and can be communicated with).

Therefore, since childhood, I have been in a relationship with what I call the Spirit of Creation, of which I am, and we all are a part. 

This connection is integral to my life and work, from therapy to teaching to facilitating ceremonies. 

I am co-creating with a Source that has created us and that we are a part of and children of. The experience of this connection is what I teach and guide women to embody. 

There is safety, expansion and playful joy that comes from connecting with the natural and energetic world around us.

Initiations That Shaped My Life

I am here to serve you

I am here to serve you

Dear Woman, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to offer you continuous support, whether through free guidance and private or group mentoring. 

Your support enables other women to access pro bono therapy or participate in other live events that I arrange.

Work With Me

Work with me to gently become free


Experience my grounding and connection meditations absolutely free 

I Love Freebies


Connect with your mystical feminine Self, bring healing and create your dream life

I'm Ready


I can help you with a plethora of issues e.g. anxiety, womb health, burn-out etc.

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