The WildRose Path

This will be a 5-part journey where we meet every month to unlock a WildRose Gate. I invite you into your sacred heart centre and instinctual nature of your WomanSoul.
Women carry a tremendous creative power within because we hold inside of our bodies a part of Great Mystery that births and creates.
We are magnetic in nature and when we clear and activate our sacred heart in our womb-space then we are more in connection to our knowing and therefore the flow of our earthly life in alignment with our Soul and Creative Self in order to build a loving life and hold connected relationships.

The way we have grown up is in a society that takes us away from our heart center and creative life potential and its up to us to reclaim and recover our treasure.

This is a calling to your potential as it is a healing journey and activation of your Wombgates. This will be a mystic journey into the alchemy of your Womb. A freeing of the old and cleansing of our sacred space ready to express from our deepest feeling Self.

We are the ones we have been waiting for – and its time. You are an essential part in the web of life and your light and unique gifts are needed.

WildRose  Ritual & TranceDance

Activate your Mystic Womb and alchemise your Soul Life

Special NOTE: The dates after Septemebr will be postponed due to healing and recovery...New dates for 2024 pending 

This is a journey through the portals of the Womb and it was part of an ancient feminine shamanic path of towards wholeness. When all gates have been internalised then we have opened the Wild Rose and we are in tune with the harmony of the Cosmic and Mother Womb of Earth and Heaven.

The Womb Gates

Each month around the energy of the FullMoon you will move through and activate a WombGate that are in alignment with the Great Wild Womb of Mystery.

What is TranceDance?

You will enter into your DreamTime to see with your Heart. Eyes closed behind a bandana you will journey dear sister to the tribal ancient rhythms into deep communion with GreatMystery, or your SpiritGuides or Ancestors.
We weave a very special space for the medicine of music to carry you into transformation, deeper intuition. This is an invitation to Let Go.


- A Power Object: a crystal, feather, or anything that you wish to charge with power and medicine.

WildRose TranceDance

All journeys are channelled, and a feminine field of love is opened. Every dance at a gateway is an exquisite moment for you to create, magnetise, and rebirth. Each element will be infused with codes of healing light to create a unified spiral of WombLight & Love. The Rose of your Feminine essence will be reopened. You will be returned to your sacred centre.


Sacred Herbs

We will be travelling on:

* The Spirit of Mother Cacao (optional)

* Blue Lotus

Energy Exchange

5x Shamanic WildRose Womb Journey


 Early Bird: €395,00
Early Bird until August 30th


White Door Studio Amsterdam

Available to pay in 3 or 5, or 12 installments

Book Here

Loose WildRose Womb Journeys

€ 88,00

 Early Bird

until August 30th


White Door Studio Amsterdam

Available to pay in 3 or 5, or 12 installments

Book Here




FullMoon The He(Art)

September 30th

19:00 – 22:30



FullMoon WildWomb


Dates pending for 2024 



FullMoon Sacred Heart


Dates pending 2024 



FullMoon The Seer

Dates pending 2024 

The Great Wildrose Womb


FullMoon Sacred Heart


Dates pending 2024 


All ceremonies will be held at the amazing temple White Door Studio Amsterdam